Monday, 9 April 2012

The Stresses of Knitting.....

on double pointed needles…..

I've been off work since last Monday, so I thought I’d show you one of the things I've been up to. 

I’ve been making these cute little bunny huggies to a pattern very generously posted by Sandra on her blog Cherry Heart .Now I spent half the day trying to get to grips with knitting on double pointed needles! Never having done it before, I’d watched my mum in the past, and I figured “how hard can it be!”….Wrong!! After quite a long while struggling to figure out how to start I eventually dug out an old magazine with some instructions, and still didn’t get it, but I found out why I had 5 needles instead of the 4 I thought you should have! I was about to throw the whole cat’s cradle across the room but resorted to good old Google and YouTube! 

In the past I’ve always managed to teach myself most things from a book, but this one just escaped me… I don’t have as much patience these days as I used to either! There aren’t any pictures of my progress, suffice to say it looked like a dogs breakfast!

Why did I find it stressful? Well, I was just petrified that one of the needles would slip out of the stitches while they were flailing about as I knitted on just one of them! However, eventually I managed to finish one…and of course it doesn’t look a bit like the one in the pattern. For some reason I had one ear longer than the other…but hey, no bunny’s perfect are they?  The second one (the lilac one in the photos)  was much better!
I seem to have accumulated quite a few eggs of different sorts over the years, and they all get brought out at Easter and displayed in this pretty spring egg holder...hope you like the photos, and thanks again to Sandra for the pattern

1 comment:

Sandra (Cherry Heart) said...

Thanks for your lovely comment on my blog today. I love your huggie bunnies, I think they look really good, just like mine I would have said. Sorry though to cause you all the DPN stress! Hope it didn't put you off entirely? It took me ages to get the hang of them. Actually I prefer using a circ for knitting in the round still.

Anyway - congrats!

Sandra x