Thursday, 29 March 2012

Marshmallow Madness!

Thanks to the lovely Sylvie over at A Pot Of Tea and A Biscuit I am now the proud owner of the brand spanking new book Marshmallow Madness! Which I was lucky enough to win in her recent give away.

It arrived today, and at first look it's absolutely scrummy, but then marshmallows are scrummyness personified.  I've never made marshmallows before, although I've attempted (with some success )  to make Turkish Delight and Halva.  Well the Halva was better than the Turkish Delight which was a bit rubbery although the flavour was good. I suspect as with most things that practise makes perfect!

So I will be dashing to the shops on the Weekend to see if I can find Light Corn Syrup.  I probably won't find it but after a bit of Googling I think Golden Syrup should be an acceptable substitute.  Will let you know the outcome in due course (with pictures if it's successful!)

Wednesday, 28 March 2012

Nostalgia Strikes Again...

I've  no idea what the woman next to me on the bus was eating but the smell of it reminded me of...and I'm probably showing my age now...

I haven't had them for years (do they even still make them?).  I don't really buy sweeties, except for the occasional chocolate fix. But as soon as I smelt that they popped into my head. They were about the only mint I would eat when I was younger.  I didn't really like peppermints very much....still don't actually.  But Murray Mints had a gentle creamy flavour which I did like very much. Sad thing that I am I also remember the advertising jingle....but I won't torture you with singing it!