Monday, 13 February 2012

Fond memory....

Someone in a meeting at work the other day said something that brought back a fond memory of my Grandma although she's been gone many years now. She was a typical Grandma (especially a Jewish Grandma!) in that she always wanted to feed you. So you would turn up to visit and the conversation would go like this...

Hi Grandma
Hello Bubeleh, do you want something to eat?
No thanks, Grandma, I had lunch a little while ago.
Have some chicken soup?
No thanks, Grandma
Have a sandwich
No thanks, Grandma, I just had lunch
How about some spaghetti and meatballs? (Grandad was Italian in case you thought that wasn't very Jewish!)
No thanks Grandma, I'm fine
Do you want a cup of tea?
Ok, I'll have a cup of tea
Do you want some cake?
No thanks Grandma
How about a biscuit?
No thanks Grandma.....I'm sure you're getting the picture. Eventually I would usually give in to something just to stop the conversation and get on to other topics!

God Bless, Grandma Sadie...may she rest in peace!

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