Tuesday, 28 June 2011


Only just got around to starting sewing the baby's quilt. Merrily joining triangles, and then thought, "Hold on. Let's just make one complete block and make sure it's OK"

I'm doing a block called Windows which I got from Quilters Cache
an excellent source by the way!

I can't find a picture of it, but it's a very simple block with four triangles in the middle making a square and then a border....so there I go four triangles joined, and pressed. First border piece in hand and....o-oh...there's no way this is going to fit it's far too small! To cut a long story short....the triangles should have been cut from 5.25" squares, but my square was 6"! Duh....so I must have totally mismeasured all the squares that I made my triangles from!
I haven't got enough fabric to cut them all again, so I'm going to have to trim them up to the right size...good thing I have plenty of time!!

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