Wednesday, 14 April 2010

So now you know.....

Why one HobNob just
isn’t enough!

Why is it so hard to stop eating just
one biscuit and so easy to finish off
the packet? Speaking to the Daily
Mail, Dr Carel Le Roux (Medicine) says
that fructose,
which is a sugar derived
from fruit, may be to blame. Fructose
is mixed with corn syrup and used in
foods such as fizzy drinks
and biscuits to make
them sweet and last
longer. Fructose gives
us confused messages
about satiety,
explained Dr Le Roux:
“When we eat sugar,
our body releases
which tells the
brain that we have had enough to eat.
High insulin levels are one of the factors
that dampen the appetite.” He said:
“However, fructose doesn’t trigger
much of an insulin response as regular
sugar, so the brain doesn’t get the message
that you are full.”

I've copied this from our staff newsletter (you may or may not know that I work in a university) The quote is from one of our research staff. And there was me thinking that Fructose was "better" than refined sugar. Obviously not! Especially if you have no will power (like me!)

1 comment:

Angie said...

I must be able to conjure people up at will. I was just looking through my address book and thinking I haven't seen anything from you for ages, turn on the laptop and there you are peeping from my dashboard!

I'm going to be on the lookout for fructose. So THAT'S why our bikkie tin empties so quick.