One of my favourite blogs is by Lucy at
Attic 24. She has a lovely writing style and a good eye for a photo. I love her posts about the outings the family have in and around her home town in the Yorkshire Dales. I would love to be able to go for walks like that at the moment.
Unfortunately I'm having some issues with sciatica and joint pain generally which prevent me from walking very much, but I love the countryside and as I live in a particularly grimy part of London I often long to get out of town. One of the things I do occasonally is drive out to my favourite farm shop at
Calcott Hall Farm. I don't go on a regular basis as it rather far to go on a regular weekly trip, so I use it as a bit of a treat. I go for lovely locally produced fruit and veg, plus they have a great butcher and fresh bread. Plus lots of other general groceries by smaller producers that you won't find in the high street supermarket. Anyway...I digress... there are two routes I can take to get there, the first is the A12... no way, on a Saturday! The other is via, Epping, or Theydon Bois, through Ongar and so to the outskirts of Brentwood. This is still a busy route (not half as bad as the A12!) but at least I get to see some greenery! I shop for yummy goodies, and usually treat myself to coffee or lunch on the way home.
So there I was on Saturday, in a little traffic queue waiting to go over the quaint bridge into Abridge. It was a lovely day, and the windows were open, I was gazing out over the field to my right, and just grabbed my phone and took a quick photo out of the car window....
The view from the window
The flash of yellow caught my eye particularly, even though I know it's Oil Seed Rape, and smells disgusting! Not a brilliant phot, but given that it was taken in 10 seconds flat...not bad!