Managed to get one completed block. Thought I would complete one after trimming up the huge centre that I'd managed to make. Luckily it came out exactly the right size.
not a very good picture but you get the idea. I went on to make the rest of the centre blocks, so it's now all systems go.
Hmmm...I'm note sure that I like the border fabric now, I don't think it's got the right tone to go the centre fabrics. C'est la vie....can't afford to buy more fabric!
previously Buried Under UFOs, I didn't seem to be getting very far with that theme, so I thought it was time for a change. This is where you will find the ad hoc things that go through my mind sometimes, and anything to do with crafting I will post over on The Patchwork Dragon. I hope I will amuse, interest or annoy you occasionally.
Wednesday, 6 July 2011
Oh Christmas Tree....
No, I haven't started early for Christmas!
Year before last I bought a growing Christmas tree in a pot. It seems to have been quite happy in the garden between Christmases and the other day whilst surveying what was going on in my postage stamp size garden I noticed teeny tiny cones starting to form....I was so pleased. (it doesn 't take much!) Here's a picture of the biggest one so far, but I don't think fully formed yet...
and the tree showing some others
Year before last I bought a growing Christmas tree in a pot. It seems to have been quite happy in the garden between Christmases and the other day whilst surveying what was going on in my postage stamp size garden I noticed teeny tiny cones starting to form....I was so pleased. (it doesn 't take much!) Here's a picture of the biggest one so far, but I don't think fully formed yet...
and the tree showing some others
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