Thursday, 22 July 2010

Apropos of nothing in particular....

I just thought I would record here my recent health (!) discovery and what I'm doing about it...

I have recently been told that I am diabetic (type 2). I have fairly regular blood tests because I have an underactive thyroid, and had one back in June which showed that my blood glucose was high-ish. Not a huge amount compared with some I'm sure, but what annoyed me was that I have been told in the past that my bg was on the high side of normal, and also my cholesterol as a matter or fact, but no one had suggested doing anything about I didn't. Wish I had now! I had a blood test back in about Oct/Now 09 too which apparently had come back showing the my bg was high but the doctor who had looked at it hadn't followed it up. Unfortunately I didn't ask for the figures (I will next time I go), but I'm guessing that they weren't as high in 09 as they were this time!

Anyway, luckily my result wasn't so high that I have to go on any medication as yet, but I have been told to lose weight and basically to stay away from sugary drinks and a couple of other useless bits of information! (well probably not useless, but things that I will need to know some time down the line, not very helpful at the outset) The only good thing to come out of this was that I was given a little blood glucose monitor by the surgery. So off I went to do some research on what I should eat to reduce my bg.

That was on Friday Jun 18th (almost 5 weeks to the day) I have to confess I had a final fling (as it were) that weekend, and ate everything in sight! But went shopping still without any clear idea as to what I should eat and not having had access to the internet to look anything up as yet. I had a vague notion about avoiding bread and potatoes (starchy carbs generally) as well as sugar, so I bought loads of veg and some fruit, plus obviously a protein element for my meals (all of which I normally eat anyway, by the way).

After being able to do some research I have decided that I should go the low carb route, as I've done low carb in the past and it has worked for me. I would stress here that I am not a die hard Atkins fan....I don't agree with the very strict induction period that they advocate, and what I usually do is cut out starchy carbs and sugars, but I still eat fruit (couldn't live without it especially at this time of year!) So for the first week I lived on salads as it was extremely hot and there was no way I was cooking veggies when I got home from work. But I've gradually learnt more and more and I now occasionally have about 3 ryvita crackers with some pate or cheese, and once a week I've been having a few new potatoes. I have had a couple of slips....usually when I go out to lunch with friends at work or see friends at the weekend, but if I have carby meal or afternoon (if it involves tea and cakes!) I try not to eat anymore carb laden items that day and that seems to be working, but I'm aware that that can only be on an occasional basis.

The upshot of all this is that I have lost 7lbs in weight, as of today, which I'm pleased about, even though I'm sure it won't be enough for the quack next time I see him. I haven't even actually tried to lose weight as yet, the main thing I was thinking about was eating to lower my bg, and the weight loss is a side effect of that....I haven't been buying low fat yogurt or half fat cheese or mayo or anyting like that....I always dislike the idea of what they put into products when they take out the fat element, I'd rather eat smaller amounts of the real thing, if you know what I mean. A real life saver has been Total Greek Yoghurt, mixed with some chopped up fruit which I crush a little bit to release the juices and a little artificial sweetener (my only concession to chemicals!).

I won't say I haven't had cravings, for bread and butter lunches in the past have generally consisted of a bought sandwich and a bar of chocolate (not everyday!) or a salad bought in M&S on my way to work (which by the way all have pasta, or rice, or cous cous in them, unless you buy a bog standard green salad which doesn't have any protein in it!)

Well this turned out longer than I anticipated, but if you're still with me.....Congratulations! and thanks for reading!