A Coke Float!
Hands up who remembers them! Does anyone still have them?/buy them?/make them?
I can remember my first....it was about 1964, and although we weren't rich, we weren't badly off... and I was on holiday in Italy with my mum and dad. Looking back I know that was very luxurious in those days....considering up to then the only holidays I remember were to Butlins in Clacton. Now that's bringing back memories too....to me and to you I'm guessing...mmm, now I'm going to have to go home and dig out the old photos!
Anyway, I digress. There we were in Italy, in a cafe, mum and dad were having coffee....and at about 12 years old and not very worldly I didn't know what I wanted. The very nice lady in the cafe asked if I liked Coca Cola.....I'm not sure now if I even knew what Coca Cola was. We didn't really have fizzy drinks or go out as a family to the sorts of places where you would have been able to buy them. Anyway the very nice lady said she would make me a special drink, and presented me with a Coke Float.....gosh it was gorgeous! All that frothy coke which froths even more when you mix in the ice cream....and I'm sure that Italian ice cream must have been good even on it's own. In a tall glass with a long spoon I was in heaven! Of course, I insisted on having one every time we went into that cafe, and even made my mum make them when we got home!