Saturday, 27 June 2009

At last....

I'll be able to get on with my cross stitch project....I ran out of one of the threads and haven't been able to get any. Everywhere I tried even on line was out of stock! So, many thanks to Wye Needlecraft. Even though this wasn't on their online shop, a quick phone call, and even though they were busy, they rang me back, confirmed it was in stock, took my details and there it was my letterbox this morning! Yippee!!

Wednesday, 24 June 2009

Not much going on....

There's not been much going on with my UFO, since the last time I posted. I have been trying to have a clear out at home and that's slow going as well. I have so many jobs that need doing indoors and so much stuff in the way, that I decided that I would rent one of those self storage thingys and clear out all the clutter so that instead of moving everything from pillar to post and back again it would all be out of the house and then I can get all the decorating and small repairs done at once.

My original plan was to do one room at a time, but I think that if I'm getting a carpenter (for example) then it's best to get him to do all the carpenter type jobs at once, rather than in bits and pieces. As well as it being easier if as he moves from room to room I don't have to constantly be clearing the way for him.

This will be an ongoing thing for a few months over the summer and I don't have much in the way of savings and may have to wait for each pay day to roll round in order to get on to the next bit! I'm hoping though that once the initial clear out has been done I might find some time for a bit of cross stitch! Luckily my brother is offering to organise the actual works for me and do the decorating!!

Wish me luck!!