Thursday, 29 January 2009

Bloomin' Cats.....

One of my little darlings decided to wake me up this morning....padding about on the bed and sticking her nose in my face! I looked at the clock and saw it was I thought I might as well get up as I wanted to go to the loo anyway....

Went to the loo (sorry...too much information!), back in the bedroom for my dressing gown.....looked at the clock again and it wasn't 6.15 it was *!"%* 3,30!!!! Bloomin' Cats!!!!
This is she.....butter wouldn't melt eh.......

Saturday, 17 January 2009

At last I've found a few minutes to get on here.....this is not being a very successful ufo blog so far, so I promise to try harder in this new year. Since I last posted I've been a little poorly....nothing serious.....sciatica to start with some weeks before Christmas, and then a horrendous cough all over the holidays. So I just haven't been in the mood for anything very much. I've been very busy at work since I've been back as well, but I'm on top of that now...LOL....famous last words!!

It's been pelting with rain here this morning, but it's brightening up now and I poked about in the garden for about 5 minutes. It was lovely to see a few crocuses pushing through the soil. Also some new shoots coming on other plants as well. Most noticeably (sp?) on the hydrangea and what I only know as an ice plant.

Just had some breakfast and I'm off to do some shopping soon to get some sensible food stuffs, as I seem to have run out of such a lot.........